
Origin graphing sets of data on same x axis
Origin graphing sets of data on same x axis

Now, a major tick along the x-axis is at least 2 times as long as the same major tick length along the y-axis. take a graph with which above mentioned treatment has been one, and elongate it by two along the x-axis. Min and max values, they don't display with the same length on the screen.Į.g. Thus, while each axis shows the same major units, and same Once the graph is created, one can click on the graph area, and arbitrarily change its size inside the graph window AND click on the graph window itself and arbitrarily change its dimensions, too. Is there an "aspect ratio" function in Excel that that could be set to 1:1, and locked, no matter how the graph is re-sized?Ĭhange the major unit to same numbers in both the axis (depending on your scale)Ĭhange the max and minimum values in both the axis to same number Other programs such as zview or origin do this automatically, and can't even plot any other way, except when told. This is tedious, imprecise, and as soon as I change anything even in the labels, the 1:1 ratio is whacked out of alignment again. then, the axes are tensed or compressed to fit that cube, so that in the end one unit data on x and y axis is exactly Then follows a creation of a precise (to at least 2 digits after the dot) square in inkscape, and the insertion of that square into the graph.

origin graphing sets of data on same x axis

So, using an "insert new chart" function at least limits the rescaling of the frame (if not the graph). This is not possible with excel, as a simple rescaling changes the axis lengths. For some data, it is crucial to display the x-and y-axis on the same scale, with one unit scale having the exact same length in both directions.

Origin graphing sets of data on same x axis